August 23, 2012

Jazzlynn's quilt

I decided to share the quilt that was created for Jazzlynn born 8/13/12 
it has the all so girly  fuschia, purple and pink tones going. I like it!

A World United

So, I have been wondering. What if we teach all of our children, relatives, friends and neighbors how to knit and/or crochet? The plan would really work if all of the people that we teach would in turn teach within their circles. I believe that I haven't run across any mean, overly angry or racist people in our crafting community. I however, get great patterns, tips and advice from "friends" all over the world and all walks of life. In our growing community we don't care about race, size, gender, religion, sexual preference. We just love our craft. If the entire world could just catch up. We could be a world united...( I know I know I can hear John Lennon singing "Maybe I'm a dreamer..." ) BUT what if?!

I have been working on towels, towels and more towels! So on to hats and cowls for fall/winter

I will be posting pictures of my completed projects soon. Feel free to join in <3 K